THURSDAY (DAY ONE) June 20, 2024
(This event hosted by NIRMH and POINT PARK UNIVERSITY located at the main campus Lawrence Hall Ballroom, and Tomayko Gallery in Lawrence building 202 Wood St., Pittsburgh, PA 15222)
8:00 a.m. On Your Own Time (Networking, Visit Pittsburgh Center, City Tours, University Campus Tours etc.)
12:00 p.m. Registration Open and Exhibits Open
1:00 p.m. Welcome
NIRMH Executive Leadership
Michael Soto, Ph.D., B.A., Provost & Senior Vice President Point Park University
1:15 p.m. Opening Remarks
Susan Orsega, MSN, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Services Policy and
Oversight, and Former United States Surgeon General of the United States, Retired U.S. Public Service Rear Admiral
Kim Cleveland, PHD, JD, MSN, RN, C-MB, C-MPC, The American Association of Nurse Attorneys President
David Saunders, MEd, Director of the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Office of Health Equity
Sara Innamorato, Allegheny County Executive
Stuart Fisk, MSN, CRNP, Director, Office of Behavioral Health, Allegheny County Department of Human Services
Lisa Frank, COO, on behalf of Ed Gainey, City of Pittsburgh Mayor Video Message and Proclamation
Recognition of State Representatives/Senators/Congressional Districts
1:25 p.m. Special Presentations and Premier Sponsors
Yvonne Cook, BGS, MPM, Highmark Foundation
John F. Kalafut., PhD. Chief AI Officer Asher Informatics
Charlotte Kalafut, CEO & CO-Founder Asher Informatics
Continuing Education Programming
1:35 p.m. Special Keynote Presentation & 'Fire Chat' with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Services Policy and Oversight
Susan Orsega, MSN, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Services Policy and Oversight, and Former United States Surgeon
General of the United States, Retired U.S. Public Service Rear Admiral
2:00 p.m. DEI Government & Industry Presentation
Moderator: José de Arimatéia da Cruz, PhD, BA, MA in PS/PP, MS in CJ, MPH, MA in PC&L MPH
National Cybersecurity Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership Homeland Defense and Security Issues
Kimberly Elenberg, DNP, RN
Director AI Strategies, NS&I @ECS, Principal Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, retired captain of the U.S. Public Health Service
Lourdes Sánchez Ridge, Esq
Pietragallo, Gordon, Alfano & Raspanti, LLP
Nicole L. Stout, DPT, CLT-LANA, FAAPTA
Research Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine, Dept Hematology/Oncology, Cancer Prevention and Control,
West Virginia Cancer Institute, WVU in Morgantown, West Virginia
Ashley S. Love, DrPH, DrHSc, MPH, MS, BA
Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor of Graduate Studies, University of The Incarnate Word, Former State Epidemiologist and Bureau Chief of Epidemiology at the Delaware Division of Public Health
Bili L. Mattes, Ed
Executive Director, STEM-UP Network, a Social Enterprise Powered by Harrisburg University of Science and Technology,
Former Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
3:00 p.m. DEI Health & Human Services Presentation
Moderator: Ashely S. Love, DrPH, DrHSc, MPH, MS, BA
Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor of Graduate Studies, University of The Incarnate Word, Former State Epidemiologist and Bureau Chief of Epidemiology at the Delaware Division of Public Health
David Kelley, MD, MPA
Chief Medical Officer at the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Office of Medical Assistance Programs
Jessica Ruffin, PhD
Chief Equity Officer & Director, Office of Equity and Engagement, Allegheny County Department of Human Services
Lauren Fair, JD
Divisional Social Services Director at The Salvation Army Western Pennsylvania Headquarters
Diego G. Chaves-Gnecco, MD, MPH, FAAP
Program Director and Founder, Salud Para Ninos, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Andrea L. Lowe, MPH, CPH
The Social Impact Studio Consulting, former Director, Legislative Services, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Maya Indira Ragavan, MD, PHG, MS,
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of General Academic Pediatrics University of Pittsburgh
4:00 p.m. DEI AI & Terminology Presentation
John F. Kalafut, PhD
Chief Executive Officer, Asher Orion Group
5:00 p.m. DEI AI & Law, and Ethics Presentation
F. Scott Hall, PhD, BA
Managing Partner, Veridat, Professor of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics at University of Toledo
Scot MacTaggart
Chief Innovation Officer, Dagostino Electronic Services, Entrepreneurial Mentor, Ascender
Pittsburgh Member, Advisory Board, Ignite Business Incubator at Washington & Jefferson College
6:00 p.m. Networking and Welcome Reception
Open to All Symposium Registered Attendees
FRIDAY (DAY TWO) June 21, 2024
(This event hosted by NIRMH and POINT PARK UNIVERSITY located at the main campus Lawrence Hall Ballroom, and Tomayko Gallery in Lawrence building 202 Wood St., Pittsburgh, PA 15222)
8:00 a.m. Registration and Exhibits
8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Welcome
NIRMH Executive Leadership
Michael Soto, Ph.D., B.A.
Provost & Senior Vice President Point Park University
9:10 a.m. Opening Remarks
Debra L. Bogen, MD
Pennsylvania Acting Secretary of Health, remarks on behalf of Governor Josh Shapiro
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Kimberly Cleveland, PHD, JD, MSN, RN, C-MBC, C-MPC
The American Association of Nurse Attorneys President
Deborah Cardenas, DNP, MSN, RN, Paralegal, CPHQ
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association President
Lisa Frank, COO, on behalf of Ed Gainey
City of Pittsburgh Mayor Video Message and Proclamation
Recognition of State Representatives/ Senators / Congressional Districts
Continuing Education Programming
9:25 a.m. Community-based Partnerships, Resources & Services Panel Discussion
Moderator: Eugene J. Lengerich, VDM, MS, NIRMH Executive Leadership
Lisa Davis, MHA
Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health Director, and Outreach Associate Professor of Health Policy & Administration
Urmi Ashar, MD, MBA
Assistant Professor, Director of Public Health Programs at Rangos School of Health Sciences Duquesne University
Ivan Usero, MS, CRIS
Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (PMAHCC) President, Senior Advisor, Property & Casualty Insurance / Corporate Benefits (NFP)
Jose Torradas, MD, MS
Emergency Medicine Physician - Multimedia Health Expert - President and Co-Founder Medicos Unidos, Inc.
Robert Toporek
Decorated Vietnam War Veteran, Founder and CEO TeamChildren Program for Improving Computer Access for Anyone in Need, Advanced Certified Rolf Practitioner/Author/Non-Profit Leader
Amanda Taylor Gehman, MS, BA
Program Officer for PA Area Health Education Center (PA AHEC), Global Health Center, Penn State Health
10:15 a.m. Payors, Medicaid Plan, Medicaid Managed Care, and Legislation Mandates Presentations
Moderator: Wilmarie Gonzalez, MSM, President, PA Market, Carebridge
Maria Welch, MPH, CHES
Geisinger Senior Wellness Specialist, Health Innovation Programs
Amanda Mihalko, MA, BS
Highmark Health Director of Social Determinants of Health
Molly McCullough, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CNDLTC
St. Clair Health Registered Nurse
Dallas Maliz, MD
North Side Christian Health Center, (NSCHC- FQHC) Chief Medical Officer
Access to Pharmacy Rebates for All Hospitals, and Comparing Payors Contracts Rates Across Hospitals Presentations
David Lee
President NFP Rx Solutions
Heidi Cottle
Senior Vice President of Cost Containment Strategies, NFP
11:00 a.m. Networking and Exhibits & Break
11:15 a.m. Cybersecurity, PHI Secured Data for REM, and Rural Hospitals & Access to Services to a Diverse Community Presentations
José de Arimatéia da Cruz, PhD, BA, MA in PS/PP, MS in CJ, MPH, MA in PC&L MPH
National Cybersecurity Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership Homeland Defense and Security Issues
F. Scott Hall, PhD, BA
Managing Partner, Veridat, Professor of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics at University of Toledo, Ohio
Nicole L Stout, DPT, CLT-LANA, FAPTA
Cancer Prevention and Control, West Virginia Cancer Institute, WVU in Morgantown, West Virginia
Scot MacTaggart
Chief Innovation Officer, Dagostino Electronic Services, Entrepreneurial Mentor, Ascender Pittsburgh Member, Advisory Board, Ignite Business Incubator at Washington & Jefferson College
Grant Meckley PA-C
Director Keystone Health Agricultural Worker Program, Gardners, Pennsylvania
12:00 p.m. National Distinguished Speaker Luncheon Keynote Addresses
John Kalafut, PhD
Chief AI Officer Asher Informatics
David Kelley, MD
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
Kimberly Cleveland, PHD, JD, MSN, RN, C-MBC, C-MPC
The American Association of Nurse Attorneys President
Deborah Cardenas, DNP, MSN, RN, Paralegal, CPHQ
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA) President
Norman Bristol Colá½¹n
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
​12:45 p.m. 2024 Award Recognitions and Special Entertainment
1:00 p.m. Networking and Dessert Break
1:15 p.m. Real World Medical AI Use Cases
Moderator: Jessica Sutton, MHA, BSN, LSS-GB, RN
Hasting Family Care, Clinical Manager at Mary Lanning Healthcare FQHC
Charlotte Kalafut
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, Asher Informatics
Dante Salvetti, BA
Senior Strategic commercial Leader, EyeNuk
Adam Hochstetler, BA
AVP Innovation, AiDoc
2:00 p.m. Public Health Community-focused Efforts and AI - and Impact Presentation
Moderator: José de Arimatéia da Cruz, PhD, BA, MA in PS/PP, MS in CJ, MPH, MA in PC&L MPH
National Cybersecurity Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership Homeland Defense and Security Issues
Kimberly Elenberg, DNP, RN
Director AI Strategies, NS&I @ECS, Principal Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, retired captain of the U.S. Public Health Service
John Kalafut, PhD
Chief AI Officer Asher Informatics
Nicole L Stout, DPT, CLT-LANA, FAPTA
Principal Investigator, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Hematology Oncology, and Cancer Prevention and Control, West Virginia Cancer Institute, West Virginia University
Cecilia Morales, PhD (c) in RI
Carnegie Mellon University
Ashley S. Love, DrPH, DrHSc, MPH, MS, BA
Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor of Graduate Studies, University of The Incarnate Word, Former State Epidemiologist and Bureau Chief of Epidemiology at the Delaware Division of Public Health
Heather Tidwell, PhD(c)in SS, MS, BA
Corporate Faculty, Harrisburg University
2:45 p.m. Networking, Exhibits & Break
3:00 p.m. Legal Advocacy, Ethics, Human Services, & Patient Representation Panel
Moderator: Jackie Russell, Esq, RN, LLM
President-elect at The American Association of Nurse Attorneys
Lourdes Sánchez Ridge, Esq
Pietragallo, Gordon, Alfano & Raspanti, LLP
Daniel C. Conlon, JD, BA
Tucker | Arensberg Law, Co-Chair Hospitality Group
Kim Cleveland PHD, JD, MSN, RN, C-CMBC, C-MPC
The American Association of Nurse Attorneys President
Lauren Fair, JD
Divisional Social Services Director at The Salvation Army Western Pennsylvania Headquarters
Adriana Sanchez-Solis, MA in AS, MA in FA
Senior Manager, Community Engagement, Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Office of Equity and Engagement, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Guillermo Velazquez, MPH
Executive Director, Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3:45 p.m. Equal Access to Health Education, and Community Education About Use of Precision Medicine & Genomics Opportunities Panel
Moderator: Khlood Faik Salman, Dr.PH, MSN, BSN, FAAN
Associate Professor School of Nursing, Duquesne University
Deborah Cardenas, DNP, MSN, RN, Paralegal, CPHQ
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association President
Ketwana D. Schoos, PhD
Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Officer, Office of DEI, Community College of Allegheny County
Angelica Perez-Johnston, PhD
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, College of Fine Arts, Carnegie Mellon College
Tina Nixon, MHCA
Vice President Mission Effectiveness, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Central Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Raffy R. Luquis, PhD, MPH
Interim Director, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education, Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Professor of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State Harrisburg
Tammi Lining, DNP, MSN, RN
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Board Member, Engaging, Transformational Nursing Leader, Adjunct Professor at Community
College of Allegheny County
Mylynda Massart, PhD, MD
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Founder and Director of the Primary Care Precision Medicine Center, Department of Family Medicine, and Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and Associate Director of Clinical Services, Insitute for Precision Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
4:30 p.m. Specialty Societies, CBOs/FBOs, and Effective Dissemination of SDOH-focused Public Health Messages Panel Moderator: Henry Hoffman, BS,
Class of 2026, Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Training in the Language Equity Lab in the Division of General Academic Pediatrics
Kacie Jankoski BA
Associate Director, Community Partnerships at American Cancer Society
Jesabel Rivera, MPH
National Senior Program Lead at the American Heart Association, Community and Public Health Strategist at
American Heart Association
Sara Murphy, BS
Vice President of Programs and Services, Alzheimer's, Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Lauren Fair, JD
Divisional Social Services Director at The Salvation Army Western Pennsylvania Headquarters
Linwood M. Smith Jr, DMin, MDiv, BS
Community Health and Wellness Organizer, Itinerant Elder at the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Pennsylvania
Sister Janice Vanderneck
Director of Civic Engagement, Casa San Jose, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
5:15 p.m. Government and Policy Panel
Moderator: Norman Bristol Colá½¹n, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Moriah Hathaway, BA
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Governor Advisory Commission on Women
Razin Karu, BA, AA
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Governor Advisory Commission on Asian American and Pacific Islander Affairs
Ruby Mundok, BS
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Governor Advisory Commission on Next Generation Engagement
Ashleigh Strange
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Governor Advisory Commission on LGBTQ
Olga Negrón
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Governor Advisory Commission on Commission on Latino Affairs​
5:55 p.m. Closing Remarks & Adjourn